Wendy Chats With Table 301's Kim Eades on Her Greenville Story

Last March, Wendy chatted with Kim Eades, Table 301’s director of sales and community outreach, about her own Greenville beginnings and her favorite things about Greenville. Check out their conversation in the video above and links to places mentioned are included below. Enjoy!

Kim’s Greenville Story

Like many Greenville transplants, Eades was introduced to Greenville by a friend. About 16 years ago, Eades was living in Atlanta after completing a three month backpacking trip through Europe on her own. She reconnected with an old friend who had recently transferred to Greenville and told her she should check it out. “So I came up, it was April, everything was in bloom, live music everywhere … like, love at first sight,” said Eades. “Loved the city.”

After living in Florida for a few months, recovering from a health scare and finding a great career opportunity, Eades finally made the move. 16 years later, Eades is married to the very friend who convinced her to move here, has two wonderful kids and loves the city she lives in.

When asked what her favorite thing about Greenville is, Eades said she loved how philanthropic and community oriented Greenville is. Eades began her community involvement through the Greenville Chamber of Commerce programs: Opportunity Greenville and Leadership Greenville. “You learn about the city, you learn about government, you learn about all the different organizations here … it’s kind of a learning process of Greenville; the good and the bad,” said Eades about the programs.

Along with being an involved member of the community and the Table 301 restaurant group, Eades has a weekly column in The Greenville News. Check out Simply Kiki every Wednesday in the Lifestyle section for some yummy recipes!

To all you Greenville residents: what’s your Greenville story? We’d love to hear it! Share with us in the comments section below.

Mentioned in Video


Table 301

Lazy Goat



Nose Dive

Papi’s Tacos

Southern Pressed Juicery

Table 301 Catering and Kitchen

Treehugger Customs


Saskatoon Steakhouse

Hampton Station


Leadership Greenville

Greenville Chamber of Commerce

Opportunity Greenville

Swamp Rabbit Trail

Greenville Saturday Market


The Greenville News

Simply Kiki

Swamp Rabbit Inn