Events Happening at Swamp Rabbit Lodge

The Swamp Rabbit Lodge is quickly becoming a hotspot of activity, especially for our athletically-inclined guests. Just last week we were privileged to have TriMarni hold their triatholon camp at the Lodge.  Here's what they had to say: "Our first Greenville Trimarni camp is now complete!! Blog recap posts to come..... We knew our campers would be exhausted on day 4 but we didn't take it easy onthem. 

We started with a recon ride of our run course and then a climb up and down Paris Mountain followed by a very technical course before repeating the climb up to Paris Mountain one more time with a very strong effort. ~3600 feet of climbing. After the ride, a quick transition to our 7-mile run. ~950 feet of climbing on a beautiful hilly course with a "best effort" up Roe Ford road to finish off camp.

What an amazing group of athletes who gave 100% for every workout at camp. We are all exhausted, hungry and extremely sore.......Trimarni Greenville camp was a great success! Karel and I can't wait to plan our next Greenville camp!!

Thank you to our amazing photographers Taylor and Elizabeth and to Tricia and Taylor for providing the BEST SAG Support throughout our camp. We were well hydrated and fueled thanks to them!

Thank you Trimarni camp sponsors: Run In Veronica's Health Crunch Clif Bar TrainingPeaks Canari Cyclewear

And thank you Swamp Rabbit Lodge for providing the perfect place for our campers to stay!"

We're also excited to announce Velo Girl Rides First Annual Upstate SC Tour. This is currently open to the public and is held at the Swamp Rabbit Lodge from October 21-25. Enjoy great accommodations, fully sagged and support ride, and fun camaraderie with fellow cyclists. It's sure to fill quickly so reserve your space today.