Cultured Swamp Rabbits Love Public Art in Greenville


I’ll let you two-legged folks in on a little secret:  rabbits LOVE art!  Especially the 3-dimensional kind.  We're more sophisticated than you might think!  If I had opposable thumbs I’m sure I would sculpt.  I’m rather an expert on the properties of wet, red clay.  Of course the furrier one is, the less likely to be allowed to enter a museum or gallery (except for the mice ; mice go EVERYWHERE!)

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The rest of us with tails and snouts must make do with what is installed outdoors - public art.  But in that regard Greenville does not disappoint!  There are many different sculpture viewing opportunities all over Greenville.

Clockwise from upper left: Pietro Tacca, Children’s Museum of the Upstate, Anthony Howe, Brad Spencer, John Acorn, Dale Chihuly, Michael Gard.


This weekend, however, it got more personal.  The resident artist of our Inn family, Kathleen King, had an opening celebration for one of her works on The Swamp Rabbit Trail, and our Queen of Clean, AJ, joined in the fun. The press and interwebs are buzzing with the success of the event and our gals are front and center.  Here are some images from the day.  Several photos are from the article in the Greenville News as indicated.


"The Runner",  nicknamed "Ethyl", is a ten-foot metal sculpture and the second installation in the Swamp Rabbit Trail Public Art Collection.  The sculpture was funded by donations from the Greenville Track Club and VisitGreenvilleSC.  It was dedicated to the memory of  former GTC administrator Darrell Jennewine.  Darrell was beloved for his dedication to the running community in Greenville.  His last pair of running shoes were bronzed and set on a plaque under the bike rack bench designed by Ryan Calloway.


bench and plaque

A great crowd came out on a beautiful day!


It takes a collaborative effort!

Reception at the Swamp Rabbit Cafe

What it's all about.

Come stroll the streets and trails of Greenville and enjoy the artistic inn-stallations!  The Swamp Rabbit Inn is conveniently close to all.

Meet Percy the Swamp Rabbit of the Swamp Rabbit Inn


#SRTartparty at the Inn to Support the Swamp Rabbit Trail Public Art Collection

Last night we had a great turnout for the #SRTartparty at the inn hosted by Kathleen King.  "The Runner" was revealed and is the second installment of art along the Swamp Rabbit Trail.  The gathering was to build awareness and support for more public art along the trail that connects downtown Greenville SC to Furman University and Travelers Rest SC."The Runner"

Learn more about the public art movement along the trail here and check out the limited edition cycling jerseys "Tortoise Has a Spare" on sale now while supplies last!  Proceeds from the sale of the jerseys will go to more art on the trail.  Stay tuned for more events and we invite everyone to get involved with this art movement on the trail!

Get Your Limited Edition Cycling Jersey "Tortoise Has a Spare" Tortoise Has a Spare

Get on the invite list for more #SRTartparty events and learn more about the movement here.

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Public Art Along The Swamp Rabbit Trail by Kathleen King

Why art?  Kathleen King speaks about the first mural and piece of public art along the Swamp Rabbit Trail and future plans for more art.  Please visit to learn more about the artist.  @bikechik

To contact the artist, please fill out the form below:

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