January 30th is National Plan For Vacation Day - That's Right!!

­  National Plan For Vacation Day


National Plan For Vacation Day - The Secret to Maximizing Your Vacation Time This Year 

By Wendy Lynam, Inn Keeper, Swamp Rabbit Inn and Properties, Inc.

January 30, 2018

“So much to do, so little time.” While the phrase may sound like it perfectly describes our lives, research shows there actually is time.

Americans universally say that vacation days are important to them, yet 54 percent of workers aren’t using their hard-earned vacation time. Project: Time Off research found that workers are taking nearly a full week less of vacation than we did in 2000, resulting in a stockpile of 600 million unused vacation days.

The secret to achieving your travel goals this year, while maintaining your excellent employee status, is planning. Planning is the most important step in making vacation possible and, according to Project: Time Off, a majority (52%) of workers who set aside time each year to plan for travel take all their time off, compared to just 40 percent of non-planners. Planners also tend to take longer vacations: While three-in-four (75%) planners take a week or more at a time, non-planners take significantly fewer days—zero to three—than planners at once (42% to 18%).

The benefits of planning extend beyond days spent away from the office for rest and rejuvenation. Planners report greater happiness than non-planners with their relationships, health and well-being, company, and job. Their bosses are probably happier, too, since they’re in the loop on when you’re going to be out and can prepare accordingly.

What are you waiting for? It’s time to take back your calendar and put vacation at the top of your list of priorities. Planning for vacation can be achieved in three simple steps:

  1. Determine how much time off you earn and identify the vacation policies at your workplace.
  2. Get to dreaming! How do you want to spend your time off this year?
  3. Plan out your days with Project: Time Off’s vacation planning tool and share with your manager, your colleagues, spouse—everyone!

This year, don’t let your vacation days be part of a statistic. Put the fear of missing out behind you and turn your bucket list into a to-do list by starting to plan now.

Need some ideas?

Stay at the Swamp Rabbit Inn in downtown Greenville, SC or downtown Travelers Rest, SC and ride the Swamp Rabbit Trail, a 22 mile paved bike trail.  We rent bikes on site and even made a video to show you our favorite stops along the trail.  Watch below: After you are done with your bike ride stroll on down the lively Main Streets in both Travelers Rest or Greenville.  Take in a Greenville Drive baseball game, hike the nearby Blue Ridge Mountains or indulge your palette at the MANY great restaurants in both towns connected by bike trail.  Book your stay now!  #bikeinnbikeout


Read more about the importance of planning at ProjectTimeOff.com/Plan.

Swamp Rabbit Inn Weekly Video - Cycling Greenville and Travelers Rest, SC

It's no secret that the Upstate of South Carolina has great cycling!  If you are a rails to trails fan the Swamp Rabbit Trail is 22 miles of paved bike trail from Greenville, SC to Travelers Rest, SC, both wonderful destination rides just 10 miles apart.  This is a very doable ride for all levels of cyclists. ​​ Looking for something more challenging?  Mountain bikers and road cyclists alike can pick from varying degrees of difficulty as you move into the foothills of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains..

Check out 20 great rides in the area in Cycling Greenville guidebook written by Innkeeper, Wendy Lynam.

We've got both ends of the trail covered with the original Swamp Rabbit Inn in cosmopolitan, downtown Greenville, SC and now the Swamp Rabbit Inn TR in the hipster, mountain town of Travelers Rest, just 10 miles up the Swamp Rabbit Trail near Furman University.

Check out this week's video and please share : )