The Making of an Inn Update - Designing the Guest Rooms at The Swamp Rabbit Inn Cycling B&B
I am resolved to make the weekly trek, ok twist my arm, to IKEA in Charlotte until each and every piece is ordered in an orderly fashion. I chose to furnish the Inn solely in IKEA for two reasons.
1) I liked the price
AND ..
2) I heard the design is pretty brilliant with regards to style and function
Well, after my third trip there, I have to say I am getting the brilliance of the design. My first trip several months ago was to "kick the tires", so to speak; to see if the quality met my standards for the inn. It was a fairly overwhelming experience because it is HUGE and, if you are not familiar with the brand, it may not seem like your style, at least not right away.
My first trip confirmed that this was definitely the style I wanted for the inn. It is simple, comes in fun colors, is super functional and has a laid back intelligence to it. I think this modern, simplistic design with be joyful, playful and create a great place to escape to explore Greenville and ride bikes. I think it will be whimsical and for a short getaway, transport guests into the right frame of mind to get on a bike and ride … childhood!
The main reason I like to ride my bike is because I am breathing in the fresh air, catching some sun and it makes me feel free! It truly is a great escape and I hope you will stop in and check out our somewhat funky, fun interior the next time you pass through town or are in the neighborhood.
We will soon have a fleet of city bikes thanks to our new friend Randy at Carolina Triathlon and our bike socials begin in April. Check back for more posts and to stay informed sign up for "News from the Inn" over there in the side bar. We're pumped! This is going to be fun!
P.S. Here's a preview of the guest rooms. We'll show before and afters in the next few weeks. Kitchen cabinets arriving this week : )
More details on the rooms can be found on our Facebook page!